The Minerva theme object follows the Styled System spec, with some more specific objects added to create styles for specific components.
These specific styles allow you to control different components and their different states. In the future we plan to connect this config with other tools to easily generate themes from design systems.
Using a Theme
Minerva comes with a default theme that you can use to show the styles shown here by default.
You can also extend these styles to customize them or provide your own style object:
You can also entirely remove the base styles
Component Theming
Theme styles for specific components can be provided in your theme
Component Variants
For components like a <Button />
, you'll often need to define more than one preset.
To account for this, you can modify a variants
object in the theme for compatible components.
Currently only the <Button />
component can use variants, but this will soon be extended to all components
The defaultTheme
also provides a primary
, secondary
and tertiary
Default Theme
"Button": {
"backgroundColor": "#fff",
"borderWidth": "1px",
"color": "#374151",
"fontWeight": 500,
"display": "inline-flex",
"WebkitAppearance": "none",
"WebkitBoxAlign": "center",
"alignItems": "center",
"WebkitBoxPack": "center",
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"position": "relative",
"whiteSpace": "nowrap",
"verticalAlign": "middle",
"fontSize": "14px",
"lineHeight": "20px",
"paddingTop": "8px",
"paddingBottom": "8px",
"paddingLeft": "16px",
"paddingRight": "16px",
"borderRadius": "5px",
"borderStyle": "solid",
"borderColor": "#d2d6dc"
"Checkbox": {},
"Drawer": {},
"Heading": {
"fontWeight": "bold"
"Image": {},
"Input": {
"appearance": "none",
"fontSize": "16px",
"borderStyle": "solid",
"borderColor": "#d2d6dc",
"paddingTop": "8px",
"paddingBottom": "8px",
"paddingLeft": "12px",
"paddingRight": "32px",
"borderWidth": "1px",
"borderRadius": "4px",
"transition": "all 250ms ease 0s",
"outline": "none",
"width": "100%",
"_focus": {
"borderColor": "#a4cafe",
"boxShadow": "0 0 0 3px rgba(164,202,254,.45)"
"_disabled": {
"backgroundColor": "#EAEAEA",
"color": "#8F8F8F",
"cursor": "not-allowed"
"InputField": {},
"Link": {},
"Tabs": {},
"Modal": {},
"ModalHeader": {},
"ModalBody": {},
"ModalFooter": {},
"ModalContent": {},
"Tag": {},
"Text": {},
"Tooltip": {},
"Select": {},
"Skeleton": {},
"Switch": {},
"defaultBorderColor": "#d2d6dc",
"icons": {},
"colors": {
"primary": "#525252",
"logoColor": "#551A8B",
"transparent": "transparent",
"black": "#000",
"white": "#fff",
"gray": {
"50": "#f9fafb",
"100": "#f4f5f7",
"200": "#e5e7eb",
"300": "#d2d6dc",
"400": "#9fa6b2",
"500": "#6b7280",
"600": "#4b5563",
"700": "#374151",
"800": "#252f3f",
"900": "#161e2e"
"cool-gray": {
"50": "#fbfdfe",
"100": "#f1f5f9",
"200": "#e2e8f0",
"300": "#cfd8e3",
"400": "#97a6ba",
"500": "#64748b",
"600": "#475569",
"700": "#364152",
"800": "#27303f",
"900": "#1a202e"
"red": {
"50": "#fdf2f2",
"100": "#fde8e8",
"200": "#fbd5d5",
"300": "#f8b4b4",
"400": "#f98080",
"500": "#f05252",
"600": "#e02424",
"700": "#c81e1e",
"800": "#9b1c1c",
"900": "#771d1d"
"orange": {
"50": "#fff8f1",
"100": "#feecdc",
"200": "#fcd9bd",
"300": "#fdba8c",
"400": "#ff8a4c",
"500": "#ff5a1f",
"600": "#d03801",
"700": "#b43403",
"800": "#8a2c0d",
"900": "#771d1d"
"yellow": {
"50": "#fdfdea",
"100": "#fdf6b2",
"200": "#fce96a",
"300": "#faca15",
"400": "#e3a008",
"500": "#c27803",
"600": "#9f580a",
"700": "#8e4b10",
"800": "#723b13",
"900": "#633112"
"green": {
"50": "#f3faf7",
"100": "#def7ec",
"200": "#bcf0da",
"300": "#84e1bc",
"400": "#31c48d",
"500": "#0e9f6e",
"600": "#057a55",
"700": "#046c4e",
"800": "#03543f",
"900": "#014737"
"teal": {
"50": "#edfafa",
"100": "#d5f5f6",
"200": "#afecef",
"300": "#7edce2",
"400": "#16bdca",
"500": "#0694a2",
"600": "#047481",
"700": "#036672",
"800": "#05505c",
"900": "#014451"
"blue": {
"50": "#ebf5ff",
"100": "#e1effe",
"200": "#c3ddfd",
"300": "#a4cafe",
"400": "#76a9fa",
"500": "#3f83f8",
"600": "#1c64f2",
"700": "#1a56db",
"800": "#1e429f",
"900": "#233876"
"indigo": {
"50": "#f0f5ff",
"100": "#e5edff",
"200": "#cddbfe",
"300": "#b4c6fc",
"400": "#8da2fb",
"500": "#6875f5",
"600": "#5850ec",
"700": "#5145cd",
"800": "#42389d",
"900": "#362f78"
"purple": {
"50": "#f6f5ff",
"100": "#edebfe",
"200": "#dcd7fe",
"300": "#cabffd",
"400": "#ac94fa",
"500": "#9061f9",
"600": "#7e3af2",
"700": "#6c2bd9",
"800": "#5521b5",
"900": "#4a1d96"
"pink": {
"50": "#fdf2f8",
"100": "#fce8f3",
"200": "#fad1e8",
"300": "#f8b4d9",
"400": "#f17eb8",
"500": "#e74694",
"600": "#d61f69",
"700": "#bf125d",
"800": "#99154b",
"900": "#751a3d"
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"xl": "1.25rem",
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"3xl": "1.875rem",
"4xl": "2.25rem",
"5xl": "3rem",
"6xl": "4rem"
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"variants": {
"Button": {
"primary": {
"bg": "indigo.800",
"borderColor": "indigo.800",
"color": "white",
"_hover": {
"bg": "indigo.900",
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"bg": "white",
"borderColor": "indigo.800",
"color": "indigo.800",
"_hover": {
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"tertiary": {
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"borderColor": "transparent",
"color": "indigo.800",
"_hover": {
"textDecoration": "underline"